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Friday, January 14, 2011

straight hair

guys guys guys!!! guess what?? i'm bored, sad n angry. so, i will do something that will make me happy. i want to show you taylor's pic. you want to take, just take it. i don't mind :)) okay, stop talking english. mkin bnyak makin slah grammar nanty. heee~~ ok, yana yg sedang baek nieh nk tnjuk gamba taylor swift!! wow, i love taylor swift. sebelem terlambat, kowank g tgok video clip terbaru dye. back to december, straight hair lorh. gogogogo, faster!! i ask you to watch now. *joke joke*. jeng jeng, take a look at my lovely celebrity Taylor Swift. . . 

Taylor Swift straight hair Pictures, Images and Photos

what what? santek an. comel an. cute an. tpi lbih suke rmbut curly dye kot. hahahha xD doesn't matter. ape pon hairstyle dye, dye always my lovely celebrity. love you la taylor swift.

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