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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh My School!

helllo my rakan2 blogger. kowank thu x Oh My School tuh ape? hmmm. bagy y bkan peminat Kpop, maybe don't know kot. hehehhe. okay i tell you ha. dlam show Oh My School ade celebrity2 korea y handsome2 and santek2. tuh la yana suke gler tgok. pnah tgok sekali je. ade hongki ngan minho. yana ske gle babeng ngan dye owank bedue. hehhhee :)) well, i'm so addicted with korea now. everyday korea. huhu
first tyme tgok hongki rap. hahha. best gak. 

hahahah xD pity to hongki!! minho and simon D so funny.

sedeyh nye. my internet x sepantas kilat. i just can show dis 2 videos. coz, y laen 12 minit or 14 minit. too long. wahhh. i really hope that i can watch at KBS. Shittttt. ble la kak syira nak byar. kte owank kat komplex da bosan tahap cipan y teramat kot. grrrrr. hope kowank enjoy :))

okayy, let's continue!!

eunhyuk and minho and 3 girls visit ft island's dorm. eunhyuk, minho, hongki, senghyun and minhwa so funny la. pling yana suke part ade 3 girls dkat ngan hongki. tapi hongki g peluk minho. sayang nye, minho tolak dye smpai jatuh. hahah. poor hongki. xD

:)) minho and eunseo :))

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