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Friday, December 10, 2010

ft island

hey blogger. wahhh. say what??? I MISS YOU GUYS LA. lame nye yana x update. kowank smue sehat x?? yana always.. sehat!!! huhuhu :) slame yana x update nieh coz terlalu syokk tgok youtube.!!! apelagy klu bkan korea. sgalenye korea. funny video also korea. tp ckap korea blom past lagy. huhuhu. today, yana nak g thu psal ft island. why i like them???

ft island group korea. dye owank smue mude2 and handsome2. gatal!!! nak suke group yang handsome2 je. hehehhe :p bkan cbb tuh je, yana ske dye owank coz suara dye owank yang amat unik. gagaggagagga :D lagy2 ble lagu love love love!! SARANG SARANG SARANG!!! huhuhu. mmg best. yana actually x thu sgat psal dye owank nieh. nme dye owank pon x knal. gagagga. terok2. jom kte layan pic dyeowank!!! :)

 they so cute right??? wahhhh. :) skunk nieh yana tgah syokk dga lagu love love love and i hope.!!! great song ever!!!

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